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Make your community
a mobile app

in 15 minutes, with no code, right from your phone.

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make a spot_iphone13blue_portrait_iphone13blue_portrait.png

It's like Squarespace and Wix, but for mobile apps.

Make an app in 15 minutes:​

  1. Download Onespot (1 min)

  2. Make a new Spot (30 sec)

  3. Add whatever content you want (10 min)

  4. Press "publish" (30 sec)

  5. Tell all your friends! (3 min, I guess?)

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Robust Security

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 Calendar and Scheduling

User Friendly

Native App Interaction



Easily connect all your community's information in a custom mobile app. 

Simple and Straightforward

Intuitive and Flexible 

Our apps are real, native mobile apps. Everything is mobile-first so you can make changes at any time, wherever you are.


Realtime Updates

Manage and Create Content

make a spot_iphone13blue_portrait_iphone13blue_portrait.png

Upload Content

Custom Configurations

Custom Design

Powerful and Engaging 

Engage your members like never before with insanely powerful tools. Save time and money by streamlining communication.

User Groups

All Members

Account Types

Unlimited Push Notifications

Two-way Chat

Banner Messages

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Don't just take our word for it.

Here's what our customers say:

And here's what end users of our apps say:

school smartphone app user reviews seabird apps

Since the beginning, we've focused on the user experience.

After years of testing and millions of data points, we have built the most intuitive design on the market.

Most app companies care more about their sales force than their products. We believe our product should sell itself.

We use powerful, cutting-edge technology, to solve your organizational headaches.

Why Onespot?

Why go mobile?

We live in a mobile-first world. Smartphones are the primary devices used by families to organize their work, home, and school lives. 


more web traffic comes from mobile than from desktop (TechJury)


of mobile users prefer apps over mobile sites. (MarketingDive)


more mobile time is spent in apps than on mobile web (MobiLoud)


of families below poverty level rely on mobile-only internet acces (DigitalEquity Learning)

4.2 hours

are spent per person in mobile apps every day (TechCrunch)


of American Adults own a smartphone (PewResearch)

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